Price List
Moats Way can also provide the following services. If there is anything else you require, please don't hesitate to ask!
Grooming Daily grooming included in the cost of Full and Competition Livery £6.50 per horse per day Schooling Included in the cost of Full and Competition Livery Manager - £25 per horse per hour Staff - £20 per horse per hour Lunging Included in the cost of Full and Competition Livery Manager - £20 per horse per 1/2 hour Staff - £15 per horse per 1/2 hour Hacking Manager - £20 per horse per hour Staff - £18 per horse per hour Tack Cleaning Included in the cost of Full and Competition Livery on the days we ride £8 per saddle and bridle £2.50 per piece after that Show Preparation Bathing, mane and tail plaited - £40 per horse Plaiting - £15 Bathing - £15 Mane or tail wash - £8 *** 7 days notice usually required *** |
Clipping/trimming/mane pulling Full clip (inc head and legs) - £60 Full clip (inc head only) - £50 Trace or blanket clip - £40 Bib or belly clip - £20 Horse must be good to clip - £15 extra for a difficult horse Mane pulling - £12 Full trim - £10 Rugs, boots, numnah washing/drying Rugs - £5 each (not reproofed) or £2.50 if using own washing powder Numnahs/boots - £4.50 or £2.50 if using own washing powder If washing dried in tumble dryer - £1.50 for boots; £2 for numnahs and rugs *** Please pass all items for washing to a member of staff in a plastic bag! *** Electrical charging of lorries/vehicles £15 per week or £3.20 a day Holding horse for farrier/physio/vet Up to 30 min - £15 Over 30 min - £20 Lorry/trailer parking Lorry - £30 per month Trailer - £25 per month Miscellaneous Poulticing with owner supplying equipment - £6 Stable bandaging - £6 for 2 legs; £8 all round |
Moats Way will not be responsible for any of the above unless specifically requested when such services can be provided at the cost stated, such costs to be reviewed six-monthly on the 1st January and 1st June.

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